2019-10-27 04:39:02
Cool)) Speed work as amazing
2019-10-27 05:07:43
Such a sexy body, she looks cute and hot at the same time, great job ;)
2019-10-27 05:39:50
Yup. Nice hour glass figure. Hope you do more hinata stuff soon.
2019-10-27 05:44:22
Even though Hinata is looking hot in that outfit still I wanna see Nico Robin or Nami in that outfit
2019-10-28 04:00:51
Hinata is very beautiful in the bunny outfit
2019-10-28 06:27:15
Cute! I love bunny outfits
2019-10-28 06:30:39
2019-10-26 10:13:55
Nice news ?
2019-10-26 10:16:07
Welcome back and Nice to meet you
2019-10-26 11:21:48
oh hey i love hinata too!
2019-10-27 03:19:35
you are all so nice!
2018-10-10 08:46:46
I hope you can get that sorted out soon, that's not good! :o Best wishes!
2018-10-10 12:08:34
Thank you! The staff replied, apparently it's probably my really slow internet connection or some other problem, I'm gonna try again
2018-10-10 19:23:35
What sort of internet are you using?
2018-10-10 21:13:54
I mean I really don't know, but I live in a 3rd world country and the internet is pretty bad.. this is what the whentai staff told me "You should not get any trouble while uploading the artworks, unless it's a technical issue (of a browser/internet provider)." I'm waiting to see if they can fix it
2018-10-11 00:44:45
Try uploading right now, see if something happens?
2018-10-12 08:38:32
Where are you from?
2018-09-29 03:25:08
So when should we expect everything up?
2018-09-30 18:29:33
Along this week probably :)
2018-09-21 04:24:05
Heh, its alright! Your work is always good.
2018-09-14 11:50:50
Oh I meant to say "YOUR COUNTRY" I can't believe I forgot :(
2018-09-01 14:41:02
2018-09-01 20:59:47
Oh, I was asking because my latest commission wasn't featured on the main page neither on the person who asked for the commission page, also doesn't appear on the tags and doesn't appear on my payouts
2018-09-02 16:01:24
Some of my commission dont appeard
2018-08-30 20:11:49
2018-08-30 21:25:20
Planet Juri
2018-08-30 23:21:47
Sudamérica :D
2018-08-23 15:42:22
I've actually been curious with this question as well with a lot of the artists
2018-08-23 16:50:06
I think HXP is a woman too, but she appears from time to time.
2018-08-23 21:10:20
wow the difference between male and female is crazy, well it is a hentai platform so no wonder^^
2018-08-23 21:15:12
Not strange at all, after all most girls are more into yaoi and other kinds of straight porn. Altought for example other communities like Hentai Foundry does have a bit more balance. In Japan instead, the quantity of female hentai artist is really large.
2018-08-23 22:01:04
I am here! I pop in from time to time, but I don't draw quite as fast as some of the veterans on here, so I am not quite as popular. I'm working on it though!
2018-08-23 22:58:48
At first, I thought that Yogur is a woman, But her Doujinshi collection, fooled me, and I thought it was a guy Xp I can see girls who like monsters XD
2018-08-23 23:56:15
This whole time I thought Yogur was a guy xD
2018-08-24 00:00:37
I thought there would be more girls, but as Yogur said, I find most of my girl friends are more into yaoi. Thanks for answering I wasn't expecting for so many people to reply! I'm so happy to get to know more about you guys, even if is just a little
2018-08-24 02:18:13
That is true, and while I appreciate Yaoi, it's not my preferred "artform" :p
2018-08-01 19:47:54
Nice Momo :)
2018-08-01 22:14:20
Thank you!!
2018-08-02 10:04:09
Hope you start off promoting momo hentai with todoroki who I believe is extremely underrated in normal hentai.
2018-08-02 12:26:07
fuck momotodo, boring and overused :P
2018-08-02 17:00:25
I'd love to create a commission with you in the future ?
2018-08-02 20:15:38
Thank you guys so much, I really appreciate your comments!! Also, yes I am looking foward to promote more of Momo/Todoroki in general and I'd love to take commissions!
2018-08-04 05:10:06
2018-08-11 23:03:07
Nice. I Like the artwork.
2018-08-12 11:52:49
So todomomo?